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Main Model

Bases: Generic[H, N], Model, _Notice, _States

Base class of a main ABSESpy model.


Name Type Description
name str

name of the model. By default, it's the lowercase of class name. E.g.: TestModel -> testmodel.

settings DictConfig

Structured parameters of the model. Other module or submodules can search the configurations here structurally. For an example, if the settings is a nested DictConfig like {'nature': {'test': 3}}, users can access the parameter 'test = 3' by model.nature.params.test.

human Union[H, BaseHuman]

The Human module.

nature Union[N, BaseNature]

The nature module.

time TimeDriver

Time driver.

params DictConfig

Parameters of the model, having another alias .p.

run_id int | None

The run id of the current model. It's useful in batch run.

agents _ModelAgentsContainer

The container of all agents. One model only has one specific container where all alive agents are stored.

actors ActorsList[Actor]

All agents on the earth (added to a specific PatchCell) as a list. A model can create multiple lists referring different actors.

Source code in abses/
def __init__(
    parameters: DictConfig = DictConfig({}),
    human_class: Optional[Type[H]] = None,
    nature_class: Optional[Type[N]] = None,
    run_id: Optional[int] = None,
    outpath: Optional[Path] = None,
    experiment: Optional[Experiment] = None,
    **kwargs: Optional[Any],
) -> None:
    Model.__init__(self, **kwargs)
    self._exp = experiment
    self._run_id: Optional[int] = run_id
    self.outpath = cast(Path, outpath)
    self._settings = DictConfig(parameters)
    self._setup_logger(parameters.get("log", {}))
    self.running: bool = True
    self._breeds: Dict[str, Type[Actor]] = {}
    self._containers: List[_AgentsContainer] = []
    self._version: str = __version__
    self._check_subsystems(h_cls=human_class, n_cls=nature_class)
    self._agents = _ModelAgentsContainer(
        model=self, max_len=kwargs.get("max_agents", None)
    self._time = TimeDriver(model=self)
    self.schedule: BaseScheduler = BaseScheduler(model=self)
    self.datacollector: ABSESpyDataCollector = ABSESpyDataCollector(
        parameters.get("reports", {})
    self._do_each("initialize", order=("nature", "human"))
    self._do_each("set_state", code=1)  # initial state

exp property


Returns the associated experiment.

outpath property writable


Output path where to deposit assets.

run_id property


The run id of the current model. It's useful in batch run. When running a single model, the run id is None.

name property


name of the model. By default, it's the class name.

version property


Report the current version of this model.

settings property


Structured parameters of the model. Other module or submodules can search the configurations here structurally.

For an example, if the settings is a nested DictConfig like {'nature': {'test': 3}}, users can access the parameter 'test' by both ways: 1. model.nature.params.test. 2. model.nature.p.test.

agents property


The container of all agents. One model only has one specific container where all alive agents are stored. Users can access, manipulate, and create agents by this container:

For instances: 1. model.agents.get() to access all agents. 2., num=3) to create 3 agents of Actor. 3. model.agents.register(Actor) to register a new breed of agents to the whole model. 4. model.agents.trigger() to trigger a specific event to all agents.

actors property


All agents on the earth as an ActorList. A model can create multiple lists referring different actors.

human property


The Human subsystem.

nature property


The Nature subsystem.

time property


The time driver & controller

params property


The global parameters of this model.

datasets property


All datasets in the model.

breeds property writable


All breeds in the model.

plot cached property


Plotting the model.



Start running the model.

In order, the model will go through the following steps: 1. Call model.setup() method. 2. Call model.step() method. 3. Repeating steps, until the end situation is triggered 4. Call model.end() method.

Source code in abses/
def run_model(self, steps: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
    """Start running the model.

    In order, the model will go through the following steps:
    1. Call `model.setup()` method.
    2. Call `model.step()` method.
    3. Repeating steps, until the end situation is triggered
    4. Call `model.end()` method.
    while self.running is True:
        if self.time.tick == steps:
            self.running = False



Users can custom what to do when the model is setup and going to start running.

Source code in abses/
def setup(self) -> None:
    """Users can custom what to do when the model is setup and going to start running."""



A step of the model.

Source code in abses/
def step(self) -> None:
    """A step of the model."""



Users can custom what to do when the model is end.

Source code in abses/
def end(self) -> None:
    """Users can custom what to do when the model is end."""



Report the state of the model.

Source code in abses/
def summary(self, verbose: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Report the state of the model."""
    print(f"Using ABSESpy version: {self.version}")
    # Basic reports
    to_report = {
        "state": self.state,
        "tick": self.time.tick,
    for breed in self.agents:
        to_report[breed] = self.agents.has(breed)
    if verbose:
        to_report["model_vars"] = self.datacollector.model_reporters.keys()
        to_report["agent_vars"] = self.datacollector.agent_reporters.keys()
    return pd.Series(to_report)