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🏁 I'm familiar with ABM

If you understand the concepts related to ABM and have basic Python programming experience, then using ABSESpy should be relatively easy. Don't be intimidated by the term SES, it's just a theoretical framework for studying human-environment interactions.


In fact, most published ABMs contain an environmental system, they just don't use the concept of SES.

The following table may help you to understand what aspects of using ABSESpy can help improve your development efficiency and which type of agent-based modeling it suits.

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A space for the agents to move around; normally a Grid Space. 💡 Spatial data
The model time corresponds to a concrete real world time. 💡 Time control
Agents have decisions to do, like human. 💡 Human behavior framework
Data input/output, especially real-world geo-data. 💡 Data management

Besides the above specific features, an overall implementation of ABM by using ABSESpy can be found from the get-started tutorial.