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Start from SES

🏁 I'm familiar with SES

If you understand the concepts related to SES, you should know that emergence is a very important feature, and the advantage of ABM is that it can reveal and simulate it. Of course, SES has other features, we strongly recommend starting with specific case models to understand how the ABM method can help you identify the specific features of SES.


We are actively developing different cases, some of the following examples will be available soon.

SES features Related case model
Emergence 💡 Fire
Dynamic 💡 Predation
Human decision making 💡 Hotelling
Real-world policies 💡 Water allocation

One more thing, if you have implemented ecological/social processes models using Python, you can easily embed them as submodules into an ABM with ABSESpy. This is because ABSESpy's framework structure perfectly matches the SES structure and designed for easily coupling.